What is maximum depth of history? Print
Written by Максим   
Wednesday, 31 March 2010 13:44
The size of stored history is limited only by the available disk space volume. Data acquired in one test, after two aggregations, consumes approximately 150 bytes. Given test interval t minutes and T days total run time, using formula from previous answer:
<Data volume> = 150 * (T*24*60/t) * (A*С*(2*N-A-1)/2) = 108000*T*A*С*(2*N-A-1)/t
Given free disk space V bytes, we have:
<Maximum storable history period (days)> = T = V*t/(108000*A*С*(2*N-A-1))
Given V=100GB disk space,  N=100 nodes,  A=1 active traffic concentration point, C=3 classes of service, t=1 minute tests interval, we have 4.5 years of history. If we have A=10 then history size drops to 6 months, if we use full-mesh then 33 days.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 31 March 2010 15:21